Send us a message

If you are in an emergency, please call 999

If you’re worried someone might be monitoring your devices, exit this site and visit from a safe device. Learn more about keeping your technology safe here.

If you are seeking support, call the Helpline. You can also contact the Helpline – in confidence – via the form below. In an emergency, call 999.

Your message will go to Refuge’s secure inbox, which only our expert Helpline team can access. Entering your message won’t leave any trace on your emails. This is for your safety, as many abusers also gain access to their partner’s or family members messages. You can find out more about keeping your technology safe.

So Refuge can respond to your message, we ask for the safest way to contact you. We will endeavour to get back to you within 72 hours, or at the safe time you enter into this form. If you give us a phone number to contact you on and we can’t get through, you will need to contact us again. We are not able to leave voicemails, for your safety.

If you haven’t heard from us within your requested time frame, please contact us again.

This doesn’t have to be your full name, or even your real name. You can choose to remain anonymous.
If you have contacted the Helpline before and have an ID number, please enter it here. If this is your first time contacting us, or you don’t have an ID number, just leave the box blank.
It is helpful for us to know if you’re seeking support for yourself or someone else.
If you're happy to share, it's helpful for us to know where you are, so we can signpost you to the most appropriate services in your area.
You don't have to share this, but it helps us in providing the best support for you. If you identify as a male survivor of domestic abuse, Respect runs a dedicated, specialist Helpline for you - further information here.
If you are trans or non-binary, we can support you - you may also want to contact Galop's specialist Helpline, run by and for the LGBTQ+ community, here.
You don’t need to answer this question to access our support – but if you already know what you need, this will help us in our response to you
You could share how the behaviour of the person you're contacting us about is making you feel, what is worrying you most, or what help you need. If you would rather speak to us, or it is hard to explain, you can call the Helpline any time.
Usually, the safest form of contact is by phone at a time you will be alone. You could even give us a work or friend’s number. Or, you can reach us via our online live chat service or our British Sign Language service. We have access to interpreters 24/7 if English isn't your first language.

Please bear in mind, the call will come from an unknown number. When thinking about a safe place, make sure it's away from the person whose behaviour you're concerned about - we won't be able to support you on the phone if the person you want to talk to us about is near you.

Which day is best? Please pick one.
Which time is best? Please pick one.
Please let us know whether you need an interpreter to speak to us
Please let us know which language you speak
Refuge needs to retain information you have given on this form so it can contact you safely and support you. Please read the statement below and tick to confirm you agree: